Photogrammetry Services

Create 3D models from photos

Photogrammetry Services

Photogrammetry is a computational process of producing a high-quality, photoreallistic 3D model out of multiple photos of a real-world object.

At 3DXON we have developped our in-house tools for advanced photogrammetry computation and workflows with specialized image pre-processing and variety of model post-processing.

Getting started to use our photogrammetry services is as easy as writing us a message and we are going to guide you further

How Photogrammetry Works


Taking Photos

The first step of the photogrammetry process is to take many photos of the target object. Professional or consumer camera, even a good smartphone camera can be used in some cases. Drone mounted camera would be best if the target object is large. Of course the camera quality as its sensor physical size, lens system quality and distorsion, noise levels, firmware features, optional frame compression, etc. will result directly on the final model quality. The camera should be a reasonable one for the desired model quality.

Multiple Photos from Various Angles

A good photogrammetry result needs a good photo capturing at first place. Photos should be taken from all the variety of viewing directions toward the target object. Also each fragment of the target object will be computed into the 3D model only if it is clearly visible on 4+ photos. Any deep shadows, light burned spots, reflective spots etc. will result in model holes and artifacts.

Photogrammetry Computation Process

It is the core of the whole process and it is the most complex part.
It involves highly intensive computing and can take a long time, depending on the count, frame size and detail of the source images.


The final output of photogrammetry is a textured, highly detailed 3D mesh model.
The textures are generated based on the photo fragments, making the model photoreallistic.
With a good photogrammetry result, when captured images fully cover the target object and there are no light and surface issues, the model looks like a high-quality photo from any viewing direction.

Photogrammetry models have valuable application in variety of industries and digital arts: architecture, archaeology, land surveying, game industry, film industry and entertainment, science and medicine, engineering, building and construction, and many others.

Post Processing

The raw results of photogrammetry usually require some postprocessing to make them usable in your particular workflow or publishing requirements.
The needed prostprocessing varies in different use cases. You can also ask us for any additional, custom postprocessing.

Cropping and Editing of The Target Object

Photogrammetry computation outputs a model containing the target object and also all the surrounding environment visible in the photos. This environment is rarely usable as it has very low presence in photos and the resulting shapes are incomplete and with lots of issues. Also there might be artifacts on objects which are shiny or semi-transparent. All these are considered a waste and should be cleaned up in the model.

Specialized Projections

Many use cases in architecture, land surveying, engineering and others, need specific projections of the model. Usually these are orthographic projections from some predefined points of view, i.e. East, West, North, South, Top projections.

Model Referencing

The Photogrammetry processor is not aware of the object parameters as size, orientation in space or its relation to land surveying coordinate systems. The photogrammetry output model is computed in a so called 'local' coordinate system. We can provide you postprocessing for referring the model to specific coordinate system (i.e. WGS84) by control poins or by precise GPS coordinates from photos EXIF data, and also a proper scaling and orientation in space, based on your on-site measurements.

Reduction of Model Density and Data Size

The photogrammetry output model hi-poly mesh model, usually consisting of millions of faces and vertices. It is quite good result by means of precision and detail, but it might also be a problem for some use cases as real-time graphics in games, publishing in Web and others, the model migh be not usable in its raw format. The model data density should be highly reduced, while preserving the details needed for its particular use case. We can provide the postprocessing to meet the requirements.

Use of the Final Model

Integration in 3D and CAD Software

The models produced by our photogrammetry process are suitable for integration in large variety of 3D editing and modeling software, 3D CAD and CAM applications, 3D printing, etc. However, each software has its requirements for the input data. Wa can provide you almost any standard 3D model format conversion for import into your software pipeline. Also if you use some very custom software with uncommon requirements we will discuss it and most probably we will come up with a custom solution for your specific needs.

Display in Web, VR and AR

The photogrammetry models, after some post-processing, are suitable also for publishing in Web. However, there are still not many web platforms offering such services. At 3DXON we have developped our own 3D Cloud platform in order to enable the Web publishing of your models. For more information see: 3D Cloud

Demo Models

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